East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.
Lister/Clinicenta Update.
A while ago I Blogged about the disgraceful waste of public
money up at Stevenage (Private healthcare, the solution to all our problems, August 2013) where the local NHS Trust had signed a crazy PFI contract
for a new ‘Hospital’ for quickie operations.
Carillion the builders were the lead supplier of the
consortium. It all went badly wrong with patients dying, records lost and local
Doctors refusing to refer any of their patients there for treatment.
The Care Quality Commission began proceedings to take away
the Hospitals license to operate, something that hardly ever happens.
As a result the local Healthcare trust bought out the owners
for £54 million pounds. I was pretty angry that these ‘entrepreneurs’ were to
be bought out as it meant they couldn’t lose out, they were profiting from
their own incompetance. How wrong I was;
According to this weeks ‘Private Eye’ magazine its worse than
I imagined.
The contract was only for five
The cost of building the centre in 2011 was only £31 Million. So the incompetent Hospital
consortium got £23 Million just for
messing up. Then the Trust had to hire 160 nursing staff to sort out patient
safety problems at the ‘hospital’.
Clinicenta has a previous conviction – in 2011 NHS London
handed these bumblers £8 Million to
terminate a contract for out-of hospital care in north London.
Nice work if you can get it, this PFI.
Clean up if it works, clean up if it fails.
Neil Harris
(a don’t stop till you drop production)
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