Sunday 7 July 2013

Last chance.

This was meant to be serious analysis, backed up by academic research as compared to my old Blog;

Which is all about having fun while you fight back.

But this is serious in another way – the leaks to the press keep coming (check out my last two Blog entries about ‘Sir’ David Nicholson, the head of the NHS and his plans for our future).

Two days ago the stories being leaked were that the NHS faces a deficit of £20 Billion ‘and something must be done’. That’s the bureaucratic code for cutting wages, firing people and closing hospitals.

Yesterday, I read more leaks (it’s the same guy, folks – you can tell it’s a bureaucrat because if it was a politician it would be in all the [papers simultaneously).

Now someone is briefing the press that it’s going to be a £30 Billion shortfall. That’s a lot of closures, pay cuts and layoffs.

Expect the real story to come out later in the week, when lazybones can be bothered to do some more briefing, issue a ‘report’, demand some action.

I already Blogged about ‘Sir David Nicholson and his desire to leave a legacy (The future belongs to us) and get a lordship to add to his undeserved knighthood.

Here’s the political lowdown; the managers know that there is 2 years before an election; this is the last chance to do something unpopular (that means unwanted, undemocratic).

In two years’ time closing hospitals won’t win any votes.

After the election – Labour isn’t going to do this.

The Lib-dems aren’t going to be making any decisions and the Tories are going to lose.

So, now is the last chance to mess us around – if we let them.


Neil Harris

(a don’t stop till you drop production)

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