Wednesday, 8 May 2013

On Safari



          STOP PRESS!

There’s been a storm of protest in the Redditch area after Stewart Messer, chief operating officer at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust put his big foot in it. I’m grateful to the Redditch Standard for the Story, written by Ian Dipple;

‘Stewart Messer, chief operating officer at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, caused a storm after using the term 'safari rounds' to refer to doctors who have to go and see medical patients who have been admitted to another speciality bed.’

"We have established safari ward rounds where clinical teams go out over and above their usual ward rounds and go and seek out patients that could be discharged earlier," he said.

As usual with stories that give away the contempt that patients are held in, the first explanation is always that everybody does it;

‘But a spokeswoman for the Trust defended the use of the term saying it had been used nationally in the NHS for many years and the practice had recently been discussed at the Royal College of Nursing Conference which had received national media attention.’

Then they miss the point;

"The definition of safari is 'an expedition' which reflects the rounds our doctors sometimes have to make when we have large numbers of patients spread out across the wards of the hospital," she said. "We are very disappointed as a Trust people who were not at the board meeting have seized upon this comment and sought to quote this out of context and infer the care provided to our patients is not of the standard the people of Worcestershire should expect and demand.

The problem is the image is a group of young Doctors, hareing around the wards looking to see who they can kick out, whether or not that is to the benefit of patients (the animals) or not.

When I keep thinking of jacking my other Blog in;

then I read this kind of stuff and I know I need to get on with it again.

Neil Harris

(a don’t stop till you drop production)

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