Here’s another ‘apology’ from Barts Health NHS Trust.
I have to declare an interest here, it’s why I’ve been
concentrating on Barts all year and why I publicised the failings there so
early – before NHS England started to investigate. I exposed the outrageous
number of ‘Never Happen Events’, and suggested that was an indication something
was going wrong…it was.
Years ago I worked in the meat trade, just off Smithfield
market. Back then Barts (St. Bartholemews) was world famous and respected.
It was certainly respected by the butchers and meat porters
of Smithfield market. Butchers have a habit of stabbing themselves in the leg –
usually hitting the femoral artery. That spurts blood like the jugular vein and
you don’t get too long – but back then when Bart’s had an Accident and Emergency
the meat porters would throw the unfortunate patient on a heavy oak meat
trolley and five or six of them would race it through the market, across the
road and into the A and E within about 30 seconds.
Over the years there were many attempts to shut the A and E
which we all fought, lives really were at stake. After I left the industry I
kept an eye on (and supported) the campaigns to save Barts lifesaving A and E
but in the end it closed.
Since then there have been a series of management scandals at
the hospital although nowadays it has been merged about three or four times
into a massive and incompetent trust.
This scandal (which we should have heard about 2 years ago)
threatened the evidence in countless rape cases as well as traumatising the
victims. Now the trust has lost control of this unit it is time for a public
enquiry into the running of the whole trust;
BBC News -
Haven Whitechapel apologises over 'inexcusable failings'
27 December 2013
Whitechapel apologises over 'inexcusable failings' NHS
said 93 clients were "affected by the two issues"
Trust has apologised for "inexcusable failings" at a sexual assault referral
centre in London after complaints that samples were not sent to forensic
laboratories for DNA tests.
Two staff
members have been dismissed from the Haven in Whitechapel and the centre is
under new management.
NHS England
said results from some samples had also not been passed on. It said 93 clients
were affected.
Health NHS Trust said swift action was taken to retest samples.
England spokesman said "a serious incident was raised" in 2011 and
"an immediate investigation carried out" at the Haven in Whitechapel.
investigation unearthed a further issue of results from samples having been
received but not passed on to clients," he added.
total of 93 clients were affected by the two issues."
Since April 2013, when NHS England was established,
the commissioning arrangements for the Haven have changed.
“We are
extremely sorry for the inexcusable failings at the Whitechapel Haven”
NHS England
said all three Havens in London - in Whitechapel, Paddington and Camberwell -
were now managed by King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Camberwell
and Paddington Havens were not affected by the incident.
The Haven
in Whitechapel has reopened but is yet to provide a full 24-hour service.
Health NHS Trust said in a statement: "We are extremely sorry for the inexcusable
failings at the Whitechapel Haven.
soon as we became aware that there was an issue in 2011, we took swift and immediate
action to ensure that all the affected samples were retested and contacted the
individuals involved to offer a full apology, support and counselling."
Independent newspaper says it has seen a confidential report into the incident,
obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
The paper
reports that dozens of samples taken from victims of sexual attacks had been
left in a fridge instead of being sent for forensic analysis.
described working in "an oppressive, tense environment" and told investigators
they dreaded shifts but were afraid to complain to managers, the Independent
The paper
said the report had not been made public while the trust said it had "strived
for transparency throughout".
The trust
said there had been no suggestion it had acted in an inappropriate way during
the investigation. It said: "The independent investigation report
commented on the diligence, honesty and openness of our staff in working together
to discover and correct what had gone wrong."
The trust
also pointed out that its staff had been commended "for the quality of individual
care provided to those accessing the service".
NHS England
said: "The trust took swift and immediate action working with the Metropolitan
Police to ensure that forensic testing took place without further delay on all
samples affected.
steps were taken to contact each client, whose samples had not been sent for
testing, as well as those whose samples had been tested but who had not been
informed of the results.
received a full apology and were invited to make an appointment with a trained
counsellor to receive the results and continued support."
Kendall, Shadow Social Care Minister, said the report should have been immediately
women who have been affected have a right to know who is responsible for the
unacceptable failings at Whitechapel Haven and that they are properly held to
transparency is also essential to ensure similar services for rape victims
learn the lessons from what has happened to make sure these appalling mistakes
never happen again."
As its Christmas I think I’ll repeat the story of how Barts
came to be.
A long, long time ago there was a cruel King who had a beautiful
and kind wife who wept for the poor and sick.
Tired of her begging he eventually said she could build a
hospital on a piece of land he would give her. He then gave her his silk
handkerchief and told her he would give her any piece of land she chose – so long
as the handkerchief could cover it.
After he left, the Queen sat for days picking apart the silk
until it was a roll of thread and summoning the King to the City of London she
then marked out the boundary of today’s Barts Hospital with the silken thread.
Neil Harris
(a don’t stop till you drop production)